Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Willkommen to the Cabaret...

Last night, I was taking some pictures at a concert of cabaret music, so I thought I would share a couple of shots.  Taking photos of concerts or stage works can be tricky, because the automatic light sensors in the camera tend to mess everything up.  You have to play around with your settings to know (and guess) what will work in different kinds of low light situations.  Although it wasn't incredibly dark in the hall, I found that I had to go to a higher ISO (640-800) to get a fast enough shutter speed so that the subjects were not blurred out.

In a way, photos of a concert are like photojournalism, because they are not posing as you take the picture.  But, they generally are going to be in the same small area for a certain amount of time.  The problem is that they don't usually stay still while they're in that small area.  Always waving their arms about, and singing and performing...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The sun really does shine in summer...

After almost two weeks of not terrible, but not fantastic weather, here in Newfoundland, the sun broke forth from behind the clouds and the mercury started to rise.  Strong southerly winds kept most of the heat at bay, but all of today's weather was a welcome change.  Enough of a change to go downtown and experience some of the harbour and downtown.

I really like my new lens (Canon 18-55mm, f2.8), but I keep trying to zoom in closer for shots and sadly realize that this lens isn't made for it.  Most definitely, the next lens will have more zoom/telephoto on it!!!

Even though, here are a couple of shots from the harbour today.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Galas, Girls & Fish...

My time here in Newfoundland has been busier than I expected so I haven't had the chance to get out and shoot as much as I had hoped, but I have had a couple of opportunities to take the camera out.  In fact, last week I was a 2nd shooter at a "Masked Ball" Gala for Opera on the Avalon, and today we went out on a rather cool whale watching/boat tour based out of Bay Bulls (about 30 minutes south of St. John's).  Unlike their animal cousins, the tigers and dragons, the whales were not crouching or hidden, but they were elusive and I wasn't able to get a picture of the two or three that momentarily surfaced in the distance. Lots of people though to take pictures of...

And from O'Brians Boat Tour...