As you leave the parking lot, you follow the asphalt trail until you come to a red gravel trail. Then you follow the red gravel trail until you come to a dirt trail. Then you follow the dirt trail until you come to a hidden path through the brush. And on and on until you either fall down a rabbit hole or stumble out of the brush onto one of the dirt, red gravel or asphalt trails before finding your way back to your car. Today's trek was at Fish Creek Park, one of the largest Provincial parks in Canada which falls completely within city limits.
It's on these urban treks that I've been testing the waters with photography. Today I was playing around with depth of field, while still getting a hang of shooting with manual settings. I think I'm still getting lucky in getting some nice pictures, so as I continue on my current path I somehow have to learn how to manufacture good photos instead of discovering mistakes. Oh well, for now I'll call my mistakes "artistic choices" and continue on...
awesome bokeh on the second one from the top!