Monday, September 27, 2010

A day at the Erratic rock learning about off camera flash

I spent the day just south of Calgary taking a photo course at the Okotoks Erratic rock.  Kurtis Kristianson of Spin Drift Photography has offered this workshop for the past couple of years and I was lucky enough to learn about off camera flash, and using the flash in general. 

Kurtis' entire message was about creating the right lighting and understanding how to create that lighting each and every time you set up a photo shoot.  Lethbridge's Michael Warf came along and shared some great tips and ideas about working with the model and the "glamour" side of the industry.

As I arrived home and started looking at the pictures that I took, the first thing I noticed, was that I wasn't doing a lot of editing.  The pictures that I took were composed and set up properly enough, that I didn't need to go in and play with the lighting or exposure or colours.  Ok, I did some cropping here and there, but that was more a result of the 70-300 lens that I was using. (Most others were using some form of 24-105, 50-200 canon lens.)

My model (well, the group's model) for the day was Iryna Moriyama, who is herself, a very talented photographer and OCF workshop graduate.

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